A tips & tricks page offered by Melissa (Vivianight).
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Leafy Pentacle by Robin Wood
My thanks to artist Robin Wood, whos freeware graphics have helped enhance these pages. All her pieces are (C) 1997 and available at her web site reachable via the LINKS PAGE.
This page was last updated on: 11/30/2007
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Tips & tricks

  PC Hint: Keep some Tiger's Eye near your modem for increased speed. To protect pc power, keep a Quartz Crystal next to electrical plug-ins.

  Before making your own incense try a Herb Simmer. (Use a potpourri burner or use your caldron on the oven.) Some herbs & woods smell fairly awful when burnt without proper extending/blending --but a simmer will more easily release the herb's essential oils & you can use the "brew" to sprinkle an area, wash sacred tools & annoint objects--not too easily done with ashes & a heck of a lot less mess!

  A little extra Home Protection: Place bits of Copper in all outer corners of your home (house or apartment) before doing a Home Sheilding Spell. The copper works to form an electrical connection/conduit & keeps the 'charge' longer. I've lived in plenty of apartments & discovered even placing pennies in the corners (both inner frames of windows too!) quieted the place down incredibly--noises & vibrations.

  For house owners: plant the bits of copper in a ring Outside the home (placing Smokey Quartz Points facing out from the corners for an extra bit of 'zap') --then raise your Home Shields focused on the outsidering. This extends your barrior beyond your home, before negative things/folks even reach the windows & doors!

  Cleaning windows for protection: Always wash your windows using deosil (clockwise) circles. This charges them with energy rather than drawing it out/bannishing your protections! Patting the windows with fresh Rue is another protective idea.

  To Remove Negativity from a place: Keep pieces of Jet around. Jet, a black stone (fossilized wood), absorbes negativity--and never lets it out again. Jet is a Black Hole vacuum when it comes to negative vibrations.

  Want to get lent books back?: on a piece of paper, write down the book's title, etc. --charge it to become that book! Next, take a long bit of yarn or cord. Roll or fold tight the "book" and tie four knots about it. Now, sit at one end of a table, and toss the "book" over the far edge. Concentrating & pulling slowly, draw the "book" home to you. When you have it in your hands, wind the cord about & tie it tight with one final knot. Place in a safe place & your book will soon return.

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Groups, Covens, Study Groups...
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The Moon:

  The Moon and Her Phases:
The Phases of the Moon are divided into The Four Quarters.

  1st Quarter begins when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, just after the New Moon. (New Moon - Crescent)

  2nd Quarter begins halfway between the New and Full Moon. The Sun and Moon are 90° or squaring each other. (First Quarter - Gibbous)

  3rd Quarter begins with Full Moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposition. (Full Moon - Disseminating)

  4th Quarter: begins halfway between the Full Moon and New Moon when the Sun and Moon are again squaring each other. (Last Quarter - Balsamic)
  The New Moon is obviously ideal for beginning new things, making plans. A time of gathering and preparation.

  The Waxing Moon (from New Moon to Full) is the ideal time for magic to Draw Things Towards you.

  The Full Moon is the time of greatest Power.

  The Waning Moon (from Full Moon to the New) is a time for study, meditation, and magic designed to Banish (remove) things from your life.
  By the way, waxing means growing, based on the idea of making candles by hand; every time you dipped, the candle got fatter-waxing! A Blue Moon is what you call it when there is a second Full Moon during a single month.

Names of the Month Moons:

January Wolf, Cold. / February Storm, Hunger, Snow. / March Chaste, Quickening, Storm. / April Seed, Wind. / May Hare, Flower, Planting. / June Dyad. / July Mead, Blessing. / August Wort, Corn, Thunder. / September Barley, Harvest. / October Blood, Hunter's. / November Snow, Mourning. / December Oak, Long Nights.

The Days of the Week:

Monday (Moon): Peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

Tuesday (Mars):  Passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

Wednesday (Mercury): The conscious mind, study, travel, divination & wisdom.

Thursday (Jupiter): Expansion, money, prosperity & generosity.

Friday (Venus): Love, friendship, reconciliation & beauty.

Saturday (Saturn): Longevity, exorcism, endings, homes & houses.

Sunday (Sun): Healing, spirituality, success, strength & protection.
Pagan Websites

The Silver Chord  Eclectic - Herb/Stone Lore, Deity Information, Holiday Information, Glossary, Recipes, Divination Information,Tradition. Gatherings
Site For All Ages - New CT members 
Contact: Autumn Willow
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"The Ultimate Books of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch"
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ISBN 0-7387-0319-2 --- Price: $19.95
More Wicca Books.
To "Borderland Tales" an online story on the impending west, by M. J. Vivigatz
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by M. J. Vivigatz

Spring is on the way! Hurrah! And by now, which one of us isn't weary of the chill and icy drizzle?

Yes, it is definitely time to start cracking open those too-long sealed windows, let the cleansing winds and bright sunlight in to melt away all the lingering shadows of 2003 from our homes.

A traditional note to remember when sweeping the floor is NEVER use a sweeping motion out of an open, outside door--you'll shoo the good luck out as well as the bad. Best to use a dust-pan. (grumble-mumble)

A good way to get a lot of the stagnation and vibrational 'clutter' out is to use a good old fashion floor sweep: a sprinkle of herbs and salt to bind-up the bad which has set its little hooks into the place--especially the corners! Corners of rooms are the most 'thick' when it comes to dark vibes. Poor lighting, little air circulation and constricting Feng Shui all do their part to give safety to the nasties--check the dust bunnies if you don't believe me. ;)

Speaking of corners, if you are in the know and have your old pennies or bits of copper there, now is the time to gather them up and give them a bit of cleaning too. Not polishing, but toss them in a lidded container with some rock salt and/or un-cooked rice and give them a bit of a shake. No, they do not have to be sparkling, just getting off some of the collected dust and all.

Give an extra boost to your home protections: before putting your coppery barrier back, after they are cleaned a bit, place them back in the now emptied, lidded container and add one or a few (it's up to you!) protective/positive energy generating herbs like lavender, sandalwood, rose petals, copal and what not, (some High-John for luck wouldn't hurt either) and give them another shake to get the essences mixed up nicely. Place your refreshed and recharged pennies back in their place, and if you like, use the herbs mix to make a Home Guarding Witch's Bottle which can be placed in any window, though the most strategic places for Witch's Bottles are:

1) buried somewhere beneath the front step
2) in the Kitchen window (the place where you and your family 'charge up'
3) above the Front door or a close enough approximation thereof
Or 4) try placing 4 little Witch's Bottles OR Witch's Pouches in the four strategic locations, I.e. front, back, top (attic or roof,) and bottom (buried in the yard or placed in the basement.)

For those of you who have never made a Witch's Bottle (or a Witch's Pouch, the only difference is that the one is in a glass bottle and the latter is sewn up in cloth) there are quite simple yet very effective.

A Witch's Bottle is simple a 'trap' for negative forces which try to wriggle their way into your place and cause whatever havoc they may. This includes people with malevolent intent! Basically, the 'bad' energies are drawn into the bottle and held their until they are dissolved back into the Binah forces of the Universe. Call it recycling.

Though the ingredients will vary from person to person, a basic Witch's Bottle for PROTECTION is made thusly:

Place in a CLEAN bottle the following in any amounts (remembering to charge each element with your intent of its purpose as you add it in):

Sea Salt - a darn good purifying element.
Old nails (rusty is good) and/or old bent pins - these are there to pierce and hold onto the bad until it is melted away. Just like the weave of a Dream Catcher is used to trap the bad dreams till they can be melted away in the morning light.
Magnets - to 'draw in' the forces you are trapping. Doesn't matter what magnet you get your hands on. Even the element from an old fridge letter will do. ;) Or, better yet, use some MAGNETITE a type of natural, magnetic stone. Personally, I think these are the best choice in making a Witch's Bottle.
Herbs - Gather up some Protective and Exorcism-type herbs and toss them in. Check the guides on our HERBS PAGE.

Fill the bottle half to 3/4s full and no more as you need to leave space to hold the trapped vibes. Seal it up: screw on the lid and dip it in some melted BEESWAX or carefully use the drippings from a lit candle. For colors you can use Black or White, though black is usually the best for this type of creation.

Charge your new Witch's Bottle in the manner of your tradition, or say this three time while holding the bottle:

Bottle, bottle, Blessed Be!
Guard my home and things that be!
Protect from guile and forces wilde,
ill-intent just shall not be!
Bottle, bottle, so mote it be!

For those of you who may be moving, here are a few ideas:

Burn some DRAGON'S BLOOD to Purify your home. Chases out all the lingering things...

Once that is done, Burn some JERUSALEM INCENSE, (a mixture of FRANKINCENSE, COPAL & MYRRH) to Bless your new home.

Hang small white or pink pouches of ROSE PETALS to promote peace and love.

Dab a bit of HIGH JOHN OIL in all the corners (including windows) of each room, moving in a clockwise manner to instill your place with protection, positive energies and great luck.

Blessed Be!
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We are looking for articles for this page! Helpful tips, hints and spell share for the changing seasons, advice, lore, news--what have you. Don't worry if you are not a 'polished' writer if you have something worthwhile to share! Articles have a cap of a thousand words max. No flaming, egotistical or anal-retentive drivel accepted.  Send us your offerings at: knightpeople@msn.com in simple text/email format with title. (No glittering animated fairies and unreadable 'ancient' scripts, please!) By sending us your submission you are agreeing to allow us the right to post such on the web. Please include your name (real or nick) so we can give credit where due. We will post your personal website link and your email if you wish--or keep such private. Just let us know your preference. Please note that not everything received by us will be posted, but if we do choose your work we will contact you. Thank you & have fun!