The Spheres in Magical Work.
BINAH Comfort in time of sorrow, help with groups, contact with the Goddess unveiled, development of the ability to listen and absorb.
CHESED Expansion, growth, help from Ancient Ones. Development of punctuality and neatness, (anything which deals with order) correction of stinginess, development of stability.
GEBURAH Energy, courage, defense, getting rid of the unnecessary, vitality, development of will power and self-discipline.
TIFARETH Honor, power, glory, life, growth, money, healing, illumination.
NETZACH Love in all forms, pleasure, art, music, creative energy, inspiration.
HOD Business, legal judgments, travel, information, the intellect, writer's block, helps organize thoughts & emotions, learning skills, finding teachers.
YESOD Divination, change, fertility spells, development of intuition, better contact with unconscious, better memory. |