Shopping 2020 : Knight People Books and Gifts
Knight People Books & Gifts, We are your source for incense from around the world: Japan, Tibet, India, Native American herbal smudge. Nag Champa. Goloka. White sage & abalone shells. Resins and herbs. Gifts: Wizards! Jewelry, Japanese pottery. Saki sets. Mirrored scarves from India. Tapestries. Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards and books, Wooden Netsuke carvings; fairies, fairy figurines, dragons. Pewter figures. Aromatherapy lamps and essential oils. Prisms. Remo drums: bodhrans, doumbek, djembe, djembes. Wicca supplies: books, candles, herbs; Tibetan singing bowls; Meditation groups, meditation & yoga books & supplies; Psychic Fairs; Astrology, Tarot readings. Goddess jewelry, pentacles; Deity figures from around the world. Hindi. Taras. Kali. Drums and rattles. Tablas. Event: tarot classes. Past life regressions.  and more! Mystic bowls Cds. Meditational music. Native American Cds. More!
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PLUS 25975 since Sep. 15th 2009!
Welcome to Knight People, the online version of our unique little shop located in Middletown, Connecticut, next to Wesleyan University. A special place where worlds and cultures meet, and the individual can discover and explore new paths laying both within and out.

No matter what treasures you are looking for, whether it's gifts for yourself or cherished friends--music, books, crystals, scented oils, candles, white sage, Tibetan, Japanese or Ritual incense, or spiritual tools, Smudge Wands, and instruments for growth and healing--we are the place for you.

Your source for specialty items & gifts for 20 years we hope you enjoy your stay!
We are your place for Incense!
Over 300 types available at all times!
Ceremonial to Daily Blends ~ Natural Herbs & Resins

Native Smudge Wands & Logs White Sage, Pinon, Copal, Cedar...
Traditional Blends from Tibet, Nepal & India. HEM Incense

Knight People
Knight People Books & Gifts
228 William St. Middletown, CT 06457
Tel: 860-347-3220 *
Shop Hours: We are currently phone, email and online ordering only due to Corvid. Thank you and keep safe!

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To our Native American, Shamonism & Smudging Page
SHAMAN BOWLS CD by TEMPLE SOUNDS: Ancient Tibetan singing bowls accompanied by harmonic overtone singing - Click for details!
Chakra Alignments using Tibetan singing bowls with Emile de Leon. DETAILS.

SINGING BOWLS! Modern and antique bowls. Gongs. Singing bowl and gong meditation videos. New Bowls, Bowl sets, wooden mallets & cotton beaters, bowl pillows, incense and more!

EVENTS PAGE: Psychic Fairs dates. View this month's list of READERS. Check out our other current & upcoming events.

SHOP ONLINE with us! - BULK WHITE SAGE &  HERBS. - Oils & Incense - Candles - HEM Incense on our Tibetan-stye incense page.- Crystals - Crystal Skulls -

Go Shopping! (click images)
Temple Sounds' CDs for meditation, healers, Tai-chi...
Native American, Shamanism, Herbal  Blends & Smudging Page
Candles: Simple, Specialty & Spell
Incense & Anointing Oils
Daily & cerimonial blends
Our Temple Sounds' Singing Bowl Webshop!
Crystals, Carvings & Tumbled Stones Page
Crystals, Carvings & Tumbled Stones...

Scrying Mirrors & More on our Magickal Supplies Page!
Ritual Supplies
Click on an image to take you there!
PLUS 25975 since Sep. 15th 2009!

Shopping 2020

by Melissa V on 03/11/20

Knight People and Temple Sounds

Due to the current risk of COVID-19

We will no longer be making appointments at the shop in person until the COVID-19 issue has been resolved.

For all purchases please order online or if needing something not on the website please call or e-mail and we will ship it right out to you.

Just call 860-347-3220 and/or e-mail to place your order

You may shop with us online at: for New Age products & for the finest Tibetan Singing Bowls.

Be Well,


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About our Tibetan Bowls
Visit our sister website for all things Singing Bowls, gongs, tingsha bells, accessories, healing, meditation and more!
White sage - wands and loose leaf